
Five fold ministry brings unity within the church!

As I was reading this particular passage of Ephesians 4 I while ago, I suddenly received the following revelation: "Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ. Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth. Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts g

A word in season for the body of Christ

At the beginning of 2024 I asked the Lord for a word for the year and I haven't had the opportunity to share it with the wider public. I believe this w ord is not just a specific word for 2024, but a word of which I believe is for all the groups I mention below: As I am spending time with the Lord in recent days, I started receiving three words which I felt strongly are three groups of people and three things that the Lord wants us to do this year.  The three words are visitation, preparation and activation. I saw three groups of people the Lord is speaking to this year and I will explain them one by one: Visitation: The Lord wants us to come back to a place of visitation. Many of us feel burnt out and are in a place of giving up their dreams, careers, faith life, marriages, and many other things as it's become to difficult for them to continue. Often it is because we do things in our own strength and think we can fix problems ourselves without having God involved in our everyd

Being obedient to His voice

Let me introduce myself for those who don't really know me. My name is Reggie van Dinter and I am 35 years old and I emigrated to the UK in 2017 as a missionary evangelist with a clear call from the Lord to be part of what He is doing in this nation. I remember, in 2012 I received a straight forward prophetic word from an accurate prophet of the Lord about me having a specific call to England and Ireland, but I would travel all over the nations preaching the Gospel and bringing the giants to their knees when I preach the Gospel. I kind of put the word in the draw and didn't do anything with it for about a year. As soon as the riots broke out in England a year later, I suddenly started crying and going on my knees and praying for the nation After this, I got connected via Facebook with a local church in Manchester. The following year (2014) I ended up at a evangelism conference in Liverpool and I went with one of the elders of my local church back then in the Netherlands. This i

My response to the olympics

I know what has happened at the opening of the Olympics is not ok. I am appalled at what has been going on. Thankful for the light of the Gospel that shines brighter. I wanted to personally share some of my personal thoughts on the matter and I might step on some religious toes, but I felt strongly to share my heart with you all and I pray that you will hear me out as I am committed to preach the Gospel, seeing the lost saved, broken hearted healed up, captives being set free and see people genuinely encounter Jesus!  We need to remember that the LGBTQ people are people and the biggest issue here is that rejection is one of the biggest problems in the LGBTQ community. I have been part of this community for a while when I was younger due to circumstances in my life that happened. This has ended up in me experimenting in this lifestyle. Praise God that I had born again Spirit filled loving, caring and committed Christians who continued calling out the gold in me and pointed me to my dest

Love God and Love one another

A little while ago I had a precious time with my cousin Brian Silos and we had many inspiring, challenging and thought provoking conversations.  He asked me this question: Why do you want to do evangelism? I said I simply want to tell people about Him as I love Jesus and I want people to know there's a God who loves them and has a plan for their lives. He then challenged and provoked me about something that's close to his heart and has become something close to my heart which is this; there's so many churches in our town who are out on the streets, preaching the Gospel, but in the meantime they are not living in unity, love and care with fellow church members or even with other churches and always pointing the fingers at each other for things that have happened!  People who don't go to church will look at us and say; yeah right, you say you are a disciple of Jesus, but you are speaking badly about your fellow brothers and sisters or you are not even showing love, care

You are asking for problems with this church council by Christian Tan

Perhaps a boring topic for some: church government. But if you don't organize things Biblically here, you're asking for trouble. And problems in the church often mean problems with eternal consequences. People losing their faith. Unbelievers who are not reached. Heaven and hell, life and death. That makes everything a little less boring. Text: Christian Tan A common mistake is that the highest authority is not given to those who are really the spiritual leaders. Instead, there is a board, a church council, a supervisory board, or a democratic meeting that determines everything. This can still go well by God's grace, but this is despite and not because of how we have arranged the government.  In the Bible we see that there are three layers of leadership in the church: (1) apostles, (2) elders, and (3) deacons. The apostles are pioneers who plant churches, recruit leaders, watch over Biblical teaching, and help the church remember the big picture of God's mission. Their

What does real revival look like?

  "What does real revival look like?" This is a question many people would ask themselves. This is what I have been seeking the Lord about since I heard about the Asbury outpouring. First of all, I believe what has been happening at the Asbury outpouring is a genuine move of God and I would have loved to go and visit to see for myself what the Lord has been doing in Kentucky. I am seeing news popping up of similar moves of the Spirit of God at various other universities and in other nations which is awesome! I am so excited for what is happening in this NOW season. One of the main things that hit me was seeing part of the video of the student who shared his vulnerability and flaws in his sermon. This was the beginning of the Asbury Outpouring. Students coming in to repent, ask forgiveness and turn from their wicked ways is what I was seeing. This was an outpouring of the love of the Father for His kids and His children coming back to Him in all humility and humbleness.  When