About Reggie

Let me just introduce myself to you; My name is Reggie van Dinter and I am married to my beautiful wife Angela van Dinter. We've been married for almost 6 years and we reside in Littleborough, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.

I am originally from The Netherlands and got saved in my teens. My life got radically transformed after having a intense encounter with Jesus in my youth. I knew from the moment I got saved, I wanted to travel the nations to preach the Good News! 

I went to bible college in Utrecht, The Netherlands in 2009/2010 and it became very clear i had a call on my life to preach the gospel, speaking in front of young people, sharing my life story with them and seeing the lost saved and saints equipped for the good works of service.

I personally went through the mill and back for quite a number of years and eventually ended up in rehab for extreme mental health issues and an identity crisis. From going to a non christian rehab, i got a place at a evangelical rehab centre where God was able to work on my restoration process. 

Throughout the years i had some incredible people in my life who discipled me for a long time and still do from a distance. These precious people have all had a significant impact in my life and walk with Jesus ever since they became part of my life. 

I emigrated to the UK in 2017 to become a missionary evangelist in this nation, but mainly because God had brought a beautiful blond lady in my life from the UK who is now my amazing wife. God saw that it was good and confirmed it through 150 confirmations between me and Angela, that we belonged to one another. We started a apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic ministry called Van Dinter Global Ministries. God has been faithful throughout our time doing life, marriage and ministry together and we have been able to reach out to many people through worship, prophecy, evangelism etc.

Very recently i started receiving dreams, visions and prophetic words from the Lord and thought by myself how am I going to share what i have received from the Lord with other people, so others will be challenged, provoked, encouraged, inspired and empowered to live in full surrender to Jesus and being able to pray and intercede through the words received? How can I equip and empower every believer to be a effective witness for the Gospel? How can we be apostolic in nature through influencing our society as believers? 

This is the very reason why I felt led to start a blog dedicated towards dreams, visions, prophecies received from the Lord and loads of stories and insights about evangelism, mission and the apostolic. We will have from time to time guest bloggers sharing about evangelism and how you be an effective witness, the apostolic and how easy it is to plant churches from your own homes and how we can be apostolic in our workplaces and also how we can take our responsibilities as followers of Jesus to lead our own Kingdom businesses and prophetic insights for your encouragement and inspiration of what God is doing around the world and how we can dig deeper into our walk with Jesus and stay on God's prophetic agenda!

Many blessings,
Reggie van Dinter


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