Love God and Love one another

A little while ago I had a precious time with my cousin Brian Silos and we had many inspiring, challenging and thought provoking conversations. 

He asked me this question: Why do you want to do evangelism?

I said I simply want to tell people about Him as I love Jesus and I want people to know there's a God who loves them and has a plan for their lives.

He then challenged and provoked me about something that's close to his heart and has become something close to my heart which is this; there's so many churches in our town who are out on the streets, preaching the Gospel, but in the meantime they are not living in unity, love and care with fellow church members or even with other churches and always pointing the fingers at each other for things that have happened! 

People who don't go to church will look at us and say; yeah right, you say you are a disciple of Jesus, but you are speaking badly about your fellow brothers and sisters or you are not even showing love, care and respect towards Christians in other Churches. People in the world often think of us as hypocrites and not serious as we don't love each other as people of God like we should!

What are we doing out on the streets evangelizing if we can't even live in unity, love, respect, care and encouraging one another in our own congregations? What if God wants to evangelize our hearts first and deal with our own bitterness, unforgiveness, grudges, judgement towards others and anything else that the Holy Spirit reveals to you?

The people in the world will know that we are the Lord's disciples by the way we love one another! 

I will certainly be asking the Lord to search my heart too! I want evangelism to come from a heart overflown with the presence of God, so that it will flow over into the people I meet on the street! My motivation should not be to earn points with God and show off to others and have people say how amazing we are that we've led a 1000 people to Jesus! People are not numbers, they are people and our motivation in evangelism should first and foremost be to look after people's practical needs which is the Gospel lived out rather than just preached! 

When was the last time we did shopping for our neighbour? When was the last time we cleaned up someone's garden who is not able to do it themselves? When was the last time we invited a non Christian friend or family member into our home to have fellowship with them? 

Our approach in evangelism should be turned around where we genuinely look after the practical needs of people whilst also preaching the Gospel to people. 

‭‭John 13:34-35 NLT‬‬

[34] So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. [35] Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”


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