My response to the olympics

I know what has happened at the opening of the Olympics is not ok. I am appalled at what has been going on. Thankful for the light of the Gospel that shines brighter. I wanted to personally share some of my personal thoughts on the matter and I might step on some religious toes, but I felt strongly to share my heart with you all and I pray that you will hear me out as I am committed to preach the Gospel, seeing the lost saved, broken hearted healed up, captives being set free and see people genuinely encounter Jesus! 

We need to remember that the LGBTQ people are people and the biggest issue here is that rejection is one of the biggest problems in the LGBTQ community. I have been part of this community for a while when I was younger due to circumstances in my life that happened. This has ended up in me experimenting in this lifestyle. Praise God that I had born again Spirit filled loving, caring and committed Christians who continued calling out the gold in me and pointed me to my destiny and purpose in Christ without condemning and judging me. Yes, they preached the Gospel to me and pointed me constantly to Jesus, but I would tell them that there were enough problems in the church that I didn't want to come back to Jesus as people in the church were hypocrites. It took a genuine encounter with Jesus in my personal life that turned everything around for me. I met Jesus face to face in two dreams where he stretched his hands out to me and told me to come and trust Him that all will be well and in that dream I took his hand twice and I can tell you; choosing to radically go after Jesus has been the best decision I have made in my entire life! I can't imagine myself a life without Him anymore! I have the most amazing adventure now and I am happily married to the love of my life Angela for 6 years and 7 years together! We stand together in business and ministry and see God do incredible things in our meetings and on the streets!! 

I think as believers yes we need to stand up against some of the vulgair acts of what happened. However, are we as Christians not supposed to be people that love the people that already feel so rejected? You know if we start speaking life, purpose and destiny over this community and ask the Lord to give words of knowledge about these precious lost people, I tell you they will open up to the Gospel!

Jesus sat around the table with Judas who betrayed him, Peter who denied him 3 times and other disciples who had their issues. We are too quick to judge others and forget to look at our own lives and see what needs changing in our lifestyles and characters. People in the world see the flaws in Christians and think why should I follow Jesus if they argue and fight with each other and constantly disagree over doctrines and ways of doing things instead of uniting under the things they all agree with together! The church is often not any different from the world! In a lot of ways the world has come into our churches and we accept too many things and compromise too much! 

This is not to say that I condone what has happened and to be honest the reason all of this stuff is happening, is because the body of Christ in general has fallen asleep when it comes to our prayer lives and being active in the communities we live in to reach the lost through community and social transformation.

We need the King's army to arise and prayer and intercession needs to become of vital and key importance again in our Christian walk! Prayer is the engine of our Christian life!

Jesus told us in God's word that persecution will come and that we shouldn't be surprised when this happens as He was persecuted! Instead let us rise up and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with everyone in effectiveness and boldness and in all love, compassion and care! 

These precious people all need Jesus and need a genuine encounter with His presence and we can give it to them by simply being a witness in our own personal lives as believers how we deal with each other as brothers and sisters and to continue being a living, active and bold witness for Jesus! 

I love you all very much and pray for wisdom for all of us as we navigate all of this with wisdom, faith, fervour and commitment to continue sharing the Hope of Jesus in a world that gets darker, but the light of the Gospel that shines brighter.


  1. Beautifully loving and kind, this is a lovely God honouring letter, that shows the heart of God - love for the lost, and sadness in regards to sin. Thankyou for writing such an important letter Reggie. Well said.

  2. Thank you for these kind and gracious words. I think it is a very helpful read.

  3. The LGBTQ community are not 'lost' as you put it. I can't believe the arrogance of some Christians who have made God in their own image. Think they can go around deciding what's right and what's wrong. That's religion for you. It tells you what to think. Spirituality tells you how to think.Who do we really think we are deciding who is lost and who isn't. The bible says...judge not lest you be judged. What are we all doing then. The organisers apologised for any offense. End of move on.No one died did they. They did at Southport. Now we should be offended at that situation. Puts things into perpective .

    1. It’s relationship to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ….Whom I seek to follow (oft times stray) and to love as He asks me to…Living for Him…. Sharing the Gospel as He leads. God is Love…God bless you..♥️♥️


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