What does real revival look like?

 "What does real revival look like?"

This is a question many people would ask themselves. This is what I have been seeking the Lord about since I heard about the Asbury outpouring.

First of all, I believe what has been happening at the Asbury outpouring is a genuine move of God and I would have loved to go and visit to see for myself what the Lord is doing in Kentucky. I am seeing news popping up of similar moves of the Spirit of God at various other universities and in other nations which is awesome! I am so excited for what is happening in this NOW season.

One of the main things that hit me was seeing part of the video of the student who shared his vulnerability and flaws in his sermon. This was the beginning of the Asbury Outpouring. Students coming in to repent, ask forgiveness and turn from their wicked ways is what I was seeing. This was an outpouring of the love of the Father for his kids and His children coming back to Him in all humility and humbleness. 

When I look at the word "revival", I personally think about the word "revive". What was once dead, drained, lifeless, had no meaning, suddenly would come alive. This is what I believe real revival should look like. I can't settle in my heart that there's only one way of revival which is lost sons and daughters coming home to the Father and churches filled to the brim with people. This is part of revival, but it's not the revival I believe the Lord is bringing to the nations. 

These are my personal reflections on what I believe revival looks like and hopefully this would answer my questions and that of others too: 

- Revival looks like communities being transformed such as people stopping with their addictions, domestic violence, crime rates going down etc..

- Revival looks like economics increasing in our towns and cities. Seeing our areas thrive and new job opportunities and businesses who want to take on Christians as they know we are trustworthy and reliable people.

- Revival looks like marriages and families restored in our society and in our churches. Marriage and family is the bedrock of society and the enemy is out to destroy just that. 

- Revival looks like Christians stopping to be like the world, but being different from the world. Too much gossip, disunity, disrespect, divide and unbelief in our church families. We are sadly no different than the world unless we change our behaviours to one another and start treating each other with respect, honour, love and walk in unity together.

- Revival looks like miracles, signs, wonders, deliverances, encounters with Jesus, total surrender to Jesus being the everyday norm in our churches and for this to break out in our communities, not just within our churches. 

- Revival looks like people getting saved, healed, set free and baptized on a daily, weekly, monthly basis and really have a change of heart, turning from their wicked ways and go radically after Jesus. 

- Revival looks like people who are saved being discipled and straight away sent out to plant churches in their neighbourhoods. Everyone who is saved, baptized and has a relationship with Jesus is a sent one and could plant his/her own church and disciple others in their home, cafe, restaurant or any other venue. 

I can write so much more on this as I believe that true, genuine and real revival is more than just people getting saved and church buildings filled with people. There's so much more to it than that. I genuinely cry out to God for this real revival where it's not only multitudes of people meeting with the Saviour, but those who then go out with the authority from the Father to transform communities.


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