God at work in the UK

People often say that miracles, signs, wonders, healings etc were for the days of the apostles and now the apostles of the bible are not with us, that those don't exist anymore. We have a lot of conservative reformed theology which says we don't live in those times anymore and we only follow the written word of God which is true. I believe in the written word of God, but it doesn't stop there. The word of God is like a two edged sword cutting through bone and marrow. The word has power to save, power to heal, power to deliver and set free.

There are still countless testimonies of healings, miracles, salvations by the dozen and many encountering the presence of God. In this article I would love to share the wonderful things the Lord has done over the last 7 weeks my wife Angela and I have been travelling the UK with the purpose of preaching the Gospel, ministering to the broken-hearted, working alongside local churches and to connect people and ministries together to advance the Kingdom of God.

It all began when God spoke to us for quite a few years to give up notice of our house and to travel across the UK. After 3 years of receiving a prophetic word after prophetic word, through certain circumstances it became very clear 8 weeks ago that it was time to give up our house and start travelling. We gave up notice of our rent and started a wild Jesus adventure which would take us down to work with churches and ministries and individuals in Dorset, Hertfortshire, Cambridge, Midlands, South Yorkshire and eventually took us back up to Greater Manchester where the Lord opened doors for us to have a permanent ministry base from where we can continue our ongoing work in the UK, Europe and beyond.

Let me share with you some incredible testimonies of what the Lord has been doing during our travels to stir your faith for a powerful move of the spirit of God that will sweep our continent. 

On the 9th September midnight Angela and I started driving down south to Dorset to be part of a beach mission. This would be the first mission as part of our 7 weeks of travel. We arrived in Boscombe, Dorset just after 12pm after a long night of travelling. I joined the team straight away for outreach in the town centre. 

Getting to the town centre we ended up preaching the Gospel with a team of people whom me and Angela were working together with during our time in Dorset. I ended up publically preaching the Gospel and after I was finished I went to talk to people and had this lady coming up to me wanting to receive prayer. I ended up receiving various words of knowledge through which we were able to deal with some underlying generational curses which in the end she was set free from. Right there on the streets of Boscombe she was set free and had a power encounter with Holy Spirit and she was literally shaking under the presence of God and rededicated her life to Jesus.

After the beach mission we spend some time going into coffeeshops (like Costa and others) to meet up with dear friends and I strongly sensed a boldness to preach the Gospel when we walked out of one of the coffeeshops. People looked at us as if we were absolutely mad, but I knew I wasn't going to see these people anymore and had to give them the opportunity to hear about Jesus! 

We worked with a local church on the Isle of Purbeck in Dorset where we spend about 10 days working with a local church. We've done outreach with them and seen people impacted with the Good News, several healings, deliverances and a great openness to the Gospel. 

To the end of our time down south Angela and I had the honour of ministering at a campsite where a group from Teen Challenge were camped. Around the campfire Angela led worship and during that moment I felt pain in my shoulder and my lower back which I knew both were a word of knowledge. Two of the TC guys said it was them and we laid hands and both got instantly healed. We prayed for the whole group which was precious. 

We continue our journey to Hertfortshire to do evangelism by invite from a friend of ours. We ended up prophesying over a businessman, ministering to a couple of precious people. After that we went to Cambridge to prayerwalk the city which was an assignment from the Lord and we ended up praying for a lady on crutches who was touched by God. 

After Cambridge we drove late at night to Birmingham, Midlands. We stayed with a good friend of ours and felt strongly to go out into Birmingham city centre to preach the Gospel which we did and we saw 3 people get saved and lives impacted for the Gospel. 

We eventually went back up to North Manchester to have some rest before heading off to South Yorkshire. During that time we managed to catch up with friends and family and celebrate the birthday of my mother in law. 

We ended up in Bradford for a weekend to support a good friend whilst he was ministering at Smith Wigglesworths former church called bowland street mission and has now been called Acts Church Bradford. The church is now led by smith Wigglesworths great granddaughter and the weekend was absolutely mind blowing. Our dear friend revivalist Alejandro Arias with whom we have formed a precious friendship, preached three times over the weekend and we've seen the beginning of the third great awakening and a move of the Spirit of God sweep across the city of Bradford. we've seen miracles, salvations, deliverances and healings. This weekend was life changing for us and we had the privilege of being laid hands on by the great granddaughter of smith Wigglesworth. We visited the park where he would pray hours for revival and went to his grave which is still soaked with the glory, fire and presence of God! Both me and Alejandro were shaking under God's glory and power. This moment will never be forgotten as we continue the legacy of smith Wigglesworth to see another powerful move of God in our generation! 

After that time we headed off to Rotherham in South Yorkshire to work with a great church called Liberty church. It's led by dear friends of myself and Angela. We had the privilege of ministering through preaching the Gospel at a homeless ministry and seeing 3 people giving their lives to Jesus and someone got healed of a bad back, we have seen 4 Slovakian kids give their lives to Jesus whilst Angela and I were out in a park to do some evangelism for the church, we have seen God heal about 5 people in 2 meetings, 2 people saved at one of those meetings and we saw one miracle of a lumb disappearing from someone's delicate area in one of the last meetings. Angela led worship about 7 times in different campuses of the church and we have seen one lady giving her life to Jesus during an afternoon walk with friends. 

This is only the beginning of a mighty move of God that's about to sweep across the UK and Europe. Ordinary disciples of Jesus like you and me, stepping out and doing greater things for God! We have been so blessed to have travelled 7 weeks and seeing Jesus touching and impacting precious people's lives. What an honour to know our Saviour and to be a servant of the most high God. Nothing is impossible for those who believe! I want to urge the church of Jesus Christ to make it a priority to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God with boldness, clarity and with full convinction that is has power to save, power to deliver, power to heal any diseases and it can completely transform your life forever! 

Angela and myself are in transition to plant a permanent ministry base through which we can run schools, training days and weekends, conferences and events to prepare the church of Jesus Christ for the endtime harvest and to plant churches and raise up spirit empowered world changers who would go out into the nations to boldly preach the Gospel and demonstrating it with miracles, signs, wonders, healings, deliverances and salvations. There are a lot of plans the Lord has shown us to run with, but we will share them with you in due time. 

If you or your church would be interested to work with us to see the endtime harvest come in and for sons and daughters of God to be empowered and equipped to become all God has meant them to be, please do get in touch: reggieandangela@arministries.co.uk

Check out who we are: www.arministries.co.uk

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  1. Amen my brother, May God continue blessing and opening the right Doors for you Two.

  2. Good to read this Story. Gustavo here BTW.


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