The Church, more than a building, it's a movement in the making.....

I, Angela, received this word at the beginning of November at the beginning of the second national lockdown. I am releasing it now as I believe that we are about to enter into a third lockdown after Christmas. Which will mean once again the doors of our church buildings will be closed or at least it will not be business as usual and that is the point I have felt for a very long time. That we are not ever meant to resume business as usual ever again, because God wants there to be a fundamental change. 

At the time I received this, I was reading Hebrews 12 where the passage is about God disciplining those that he loves, then all of a sudden I had this revelation that the church was going through a season of discipline and then I got these words;

"I have closed the doors of churches, do you not see I am disciplining you. Yet you see this as coming from man when it was I the Lord. You fight for your rights but you have no rights for the only right you have is to be called children of God, not even a minister or vicar or missionary. 

I am moving the focus away from the building, the building was never the point of the church. In fact I called my people out of the building and into the world to reach the rest of the world with my kindness and Love. 

There is no point fighting against me says the Lord for as long as you fight to open your doors of your buildings I will keep them shut. Until you start to reach out to the world until you look after the Orphan and widows. Until you look after those families that are on benefits or those who have lost their jobs because of the pandemic, which I am using to discipline my church. 

When will you learn that you need to repent and change your ways. Do you not see the needs of the people around you. 

Whilst you fight for your buildings or your temples. I will raise up a remnant that gets it, who is seeking my face of how they can make a difference in this world how they can shine my light and be a city on a hill.  How they can bring justice and righteousness to my streets to the people in the houses who are terrified of what tomorrow brings. Who are feeling hopeless and you the Church have hope. Will you seek my face to find out how even at this time you can be a light and a hope to this world. 

Your buildings should be resources for the community to find love and care not a members meeting. 

Church I have called you to be resourceful. You need not fight for yourselves, I will fight for you. But I need you to come to repentance first. I need you to get back to your true calling. 

I need you to stop building an institution that I am not in. My holy Spirit is free and he is outside the institutional Church. I am raising up a movement of people who do not care about titles or buildings or programmes but who simply seek my face. Where the people know their power and know how to change the world and how to build vibrant communities."

I have much more stirring within me and where perhaps it will not necessarily be a prophetic word directly like this I do believe that there is a lot I am musing over with the holy spirit at the moment. 

The next Blog I will be writing which I feel strongly about and will be on this blog and my own is 'The world is not a waiting room.' 

As many of you know I am an Artist and on my Art website which is Artantics I talk about a supernatural Christmas which is another word I am sensing about Christmas but also for the church, Emma Stark and Sam Robertson talk about this on their Power hour too 


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