The wedding ring - restoring the nations, the church and the individual believer
One afternoon in March / April 2020 my wife Angela and I were praying and interceding for our nation and the COVID pandemic. This was on a warm afternoon and as we were praying and interceding, i received a vision of a wedding ring laid on the side of a table. I told this to my wife and she said to me; pray into it and ask God what it means. Immediately i strongly felt in the spirit that we as a body of Christ, the church around the world, have so often walked away from our marriage covenant with our Father in Heaven. The nations around the world have walked away from their Christian heritage. The individual believer has sometimes left their walk with God. I prayed more into the vision and contemplated over it, asking God to reveal more. I knew that there was more to this vision.
7. Intimacy
As you are spending time with your spouse and
being intimate with him or her, so does God want to be in an intimate
relationship with you. He wants you to give Him your all, adore and love Him
with all of your heart, mind, soul and all that is within you. Intimacy in a
marriage is very key, because if you don’t have intimacy, there’s not a lot of
connection between you and your spouse. In the same way your Father in heaven
wants to be intimate with you and be connected with you in every area of your
The nations of the world
sadly the nations of the world have forgotten their Christian inheritance. Government leaders have exchanged Christian values into wicked values that have made their nations turn away from God and the fear of God. We have prostituted ourselves in a lot of things. We have accepted abortion up to birth and accept innocent people being killed just because they speak up against corrupt governments.We accept and join in with the wicked movie industry that promotes all sorts of sins. We don’t have any morals anymore and start playing our own judge. We as nations of the world hold their control and power over the church that is in very nature the solution for all the poverty, mental health, homelessness etc. Instead of embracing the church, we as nations have oppressed and stopped the church, the people of God, from looking after the poor and the needy. We’ve let corrupted government and corrupted police take over society. We as nations of the world, have to come back to Jesus and to our Christian heritage. We need to come back to our first love in Jesus!
When I was thinking about the body of Christ, the church worldwide, there’s a couple of things I have seen happening that concern me about the state of the church around the world. We have sadly let too much of the world come into the church. There’s speaking negatively about each other’s churches, slandering men and women of God who stand up for their faith where others don’t, encouraging all sorts of sins in the church. We’ve partnered too much with the worldly thought patterns and giving ground to the jezebel spirit. We deny platform to men and women of God who support different political views then we as a church or denomination have. We as a body of Christ, the church completely condemn people of God who prophesy the word of the Lord and we tear them down, because we don’t step out in prophesy. We have even tried to make up moves of God throughout history. A real move of God is not to be controlled and will never die down. We have let inappropriate relationships happen in our churches and tried to cover it with the mantle of love. We have let race and colour divide us in our churches and denominations. This all happens when we take off our marriage covenant ring and go and accept all sorts of weird shenanigans in our churches and pulpits. We have walked away from the full gospel from time to time and don’t confront people about their sins and just want to grow our churches by making people feel good and make them want to hear what they want to hear. We need to go back to the roots of our relationship and covenant with Jesus. We cannot afford having people who are not ready when the Lamb, Jesus comes back for His bride. We as a church and body of Christ need to be ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. Someone said recently; we need to live rapture ready! Let’s get rid of all those things that stop us as a church and body of Christ to live in unison with one another and let’s unite in our marriage covenant with Jesus and unite in preaching the raw, saving gospel of Jesus Christ to a hungry and dying world out there. Let’s stop debating over our theological differences and actually as a church and body of Christ make a different in this world!
What I sensed in
I believe there’s hope for the nations, for the body of Christ and for us
as individual believers. God really clearly told me that restoration is on its
way for the nations of the world and that He is calling His people back to the
marriage covenant with the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Father God is calling back His people
and is calling back the nations and calling back the church to the marriage
covenant of the Lamb. I believe when we come back to Jesus and as a body of
Christ humble ourselves and pray, seek the face of God, repent of our sins and
the sins of our nations, God will show up with power and heal and restore our
land. Revival without repentance is not possible. To see real revival happen,
we need to repent and humble ourselves and pray as the people of God. God can
only restore and heal our land, when we as a body of Christ come together in
unity, remembering our marriage covenant with Jesus, be committed to our walk
with Jesus, taking up our responsibility as a body of Christ and showing
unconditional love to one another.
Prayer on behalf of the nations:
Lord, forgive us for walking away from our Christian heritage. As the nations of the world we want to repent for walking away from our biblical and godly values. Forgive us Lord for prostituting ourselves in immorality, hatred, racism etc. Lord we pray for our government leaders, would you awaken their hearts to you, and we pray Father that you would turn the hearts of the fathers back to the sons and the hearts of the sons back to the fathers. We pray Lord that you would sweep across the nations of the world with your Spirit! We ask Lord, for the nations, we ask that you would give us the nations for our inheritance and the end of the earth to our possession. We pray that nations will turn back to their biblical and godly values and most of all turn back to their first love in Jesus Christ. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray, amen!
Prayer on behalf of the Church, the body of Christ:
Lord, we lift up your church, the body of Christ. We pray Father that you would take away any strive and ambition for titles and positions. We pray for the body of Christ to turn back to our first love in Jesus. We pray that church politics will end and the need to control a move of God. We pray that we as a body of Christ will get back to our true values and stop trying to fit into society with preaching a gospel that’s not the true Good News at all. We pray Father that you would bring reconciliation between men and women of God who have fallen out with one another over doctrinal and theological differences. We pray Father that you would pour your Spirit out once again upon your church. We pray Father that you would saturate us with your presence, glory and power. We pray for a returning of the bride of Christ and those we as a body of Christ, the church and its leaders and pastors will keep obeying the call on their lives to be carriers of the Good News of the Gospel. We pray that sin will be revealed in the church and that the church will repent of any hidden sin that’s been committed. We pray that honour and respect will get to the one that should receive honour and respect. We pray Lord forgive us as the church for running away from time to time from our responsibilities to love thy God and our neighbours as ourselves. Forgive us where we’ve been unforgiving, kept grudges amongst each other. Please forgive us where we have let racism sneak into our churches. We pray all this in Jesus mighty name, Amen!
Prayer on behalf of the individual believer:
Lord, we ask forgiveness for our own selfish ways we have lived. Forgive us for racial and social injustice we have supported from time to time. Forgive us for not living fully in surrender to you. Forgive us for not allowing you to do what you need to do in our lives to make us more like you. Forgive us for so often running away when you have spoken to us to do certain things. Forgive us for our disobedience to your word. Lord, we ask you to impart a fresh fire into our hearts. We ask that you would impart your presence, glory and power in us Lord, so we can keep living a life that honours you. We ask for more of your love and more of your grace and we ask you to humble us where we need to humble ourselves. Convince us Lord where there are any wicked hidden sins in our own lives we need to confess, so we can receive freedom from that. We ask from you Lord to pour out your Holy Spirit once again over our own lives, so we can keep living a holy and pure life before you. Forgive us Lord where we’ve not listened to your voice and where we’ve laid down our dreams and visions you have given to us to pursue our own selfish goals. We ask you Lord to take us back to our first love in Jesus. We ask this all in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
#Propheticwords #theweddingring #healingtothenations #healingforthechurch #healingforus #hopereleasedministries #adventuresofadutchevangelist #prayandseektheLord
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