
Showing posts from November, 2020

Should we do ministry and life alone?

For quite some time now I have been thinking about writing a blog or article about the importance of being aligned with the right people and have accountability to someone or have a church or ministry who could help us grow and develop our relationship with God and serve and support us in the work we do in God's vineyard!  There are some questions I would ask myself first before I go deeper into this. Do I have people I am accountable too? People I can trust that could speak into my life? Am I aligned with a network or a church community that supports my calling and invests in my destiny God has called me into? Do I have mentors who are able to point things out to me? And in return do I take on their advice? Do I actually implement in my life what Jesus teaches me through my mentors? Do I actually believe He can speak through my friends, pastors, mentors in my life or am I this person who believes that the only way He speaks is through the bible? Let me share my heart on this and w...

The wedding ring - restoring the nations, the church and the individual believer

  One afternoon in March / April 2020 my wife Angela and I were praying and interceding for our nation and the COVID pandemic. This was on a warm afternoon and as we were praying and interceding, i received a vision of a wedding ring laid on the side of a table. I told this to my wife and she said to me; pray into it and ask God what it means. Immediately i strongly felt in the spirit that we as a body of Christ, the church around the world, have so often walked away from our marriage covenant with our Father in Heaven. The nations around the world have walked away from their Christian heritage. The individual believer has sometimes left their walk with God. I prayed more into the vision and contemplated over it, asking God to reveal more. I knew that there was more to this vision.  Up until 3 days ago, 24th September when my wife and I were in a conversation again about the vision, it suddenly dawned on me what the vision entailed and I started to write down everything the Sp...