
Showing posts from March, 2023

What does real revival look like?

  "What does real revival look like?" This is a question many people would ask themselves. This is what I have been seeking the Lord about since I heard about the Asbury outpouring. First of all, I believe what has been happening at the Asbury outpouring is a genuine move of God and I would have loved to go and visit to see for myself what the Lord has been doing in Kentucky. I am seeing news popping up of similar moves of the Spirit of God at various other universities and in other nations which is awesome! I am so excited for what is happening in this NOW season. One of the main things that hit me was seeing part of the video of the student who shared his vulnerability and flaws in his sermon. This was the beginning of the Asbury Outpouring. Students coming in to repent, ask forgiveness and turn from their wicked ways is what I was seeing. This was an outpouring of the love of the Father for His kids and His children coming back to Him in all humility and humbleness.  When ...