God at work in the UK
People often say that miracles, signs, wonders, healings etc were for the days of the apostles and now the apostles of the bible are not with us, that those don't exist anymore. We have a lot of conservative reformed theology which says we don't live in those times anymore and we only follow the written word of God which is true. I believe in the written word of God, but it doesn't stop there. The word of God is like a two edged sword cutting through bone and marrow. The word has power to save, power to heal, power to deliver and set free. There are still countless testimonies of healings, miracles, salvations by the dozen and many encountering the presence of God. In this article I would love to share the wonderful things the Lord has done over the last 7 weeks my wife Angela and I have been travelling the UK with the purpose of preaching the Gospel, ministering to the broken-hearted, working alongside local churches and to connect people and ministries together to advance...